Welcome to the official blog of Presbyterian Women's Ministries. It is our hope and prayer that through this blog we will be able to provide a wide variety of resources for individuals and churches to use, specifically for building up women's ministries within the church.
Over time I will be including things such as articles on relevant topics, book reviews, women's ministry ideas and programs, playgroup resources, links to other useful sites, and so on. I will be asking various people to contribute things and if you have some great ideas which you think may be useful I'd love to hear from you. Hopefully this will form a link between many different communities within the Presbyterian Church and in the process be a source of encouragement and information.
A little about me: I am a married mother of almost 3 from Victoria. I grew up in a Presbyterian manse. Over the past 15 years as we have travelled from Victoria to NSW and back I have been involved in setting up a number of women's ministries, running playgroup, leading women's bible studies, and encouraging women to find their gifts and use them for God's glory. I believe as women we have a very significant role within our church and hope this blog will provide much food for thought as you figure out where your gifts and abilities lie and how you can best use them.
I'd love to hear feedback along the way and trust that this will be a source of encouragement to all.