Yesterday I made a batch of Jen's Ginger Snaps. The kids cheered. They love these biscuits (or should I say cookies?) and I love making them - they help me remember.
In November 1999, my husband and I moved from steamy Brisbane to wintery Bozeman, Montana USA. We had found out about 10 days prior to leaving that twin boys were to arrive in March 2000, to say that our heads were spinning would be mild. It was quite a move.
When we arrived, finding a church was one of the challenging tasks before us. We went along to a couple of different churches, but it was difficult. Then we came upon Gallatin Valley Presbyterian Church. Home.
For the next two years these warm, loving people took us into their hearts and their homes. Listening as a new mother cried and asked and wondered about this amazing job of bringing up two tiny boys. Throwing the grandest Baby Shower I have ever attended for a women they had known for about 4 weeks. Teaching the Bible with their mouths and their hands and their arms and allowing me to do the same. Telling me truths about motherhood that I have passed on many, many times. And my friend Jennifer gave me her Ginger Snap recipe.
So, as I make Jen's Ginger Snaps in steamy Brisbane - I am back in wintery Bozeman. I love the fact that while it has been 10 years since we've been together, I can know that as I wait to see those wonderful women in Heaven, we can all munch Ginger Snaps that we've made for the people we love.