Sunday, August 7, 2011

Donvale Presbyterian Women's Night!

On Saturday night we had a wonderful women's dinner with inspirational speaker Fiona Krelle! A hundred or so women turned up, some older, some younger, some recent church attendees, some friends and neighbours. The theme was black and pink so a fabulous array of outfits and thorough decorating made the church hall look amazing!


The dinner was catered and we had chicken, pesto, sundried tomato and pine nut filos with vegies followed by either lemon tart or pavlova. Are your mouths watering already!? Huge thanks to the young girls who served and washed up... the evening ran very smoothly with lots of chatter and catching up!

Fiona spoke on "Finding Joy in the Turbulence of Life", sharing her very engaging life story with its many twists and turns. It was refreshing to have someone share so personally and genuinely with honesty which only comes from security in our identity as a child of God. Particularly engaging were the stories of the way God used Fiona's gifts as a nurse in such varied situations, her desire to care for the needy children of the world, her passion for the calling of motherhood, her willingness to trust God even when meant a massive leap of faith, and her openness about how God used her imperfections to teach her things about Himself.

I also had the opportunity to share about Flourish and the Presbyterian Women's Committee so hopefully we will have some people rock up to the conference next year from Melbourne!

Finally, we launched our sewing project for the year...  Pads for Africa which will help change the lives of women in Africa by providing them with a kit of menstrual pads, enabling some to go to school without interruption, and encouraging others to come to hospital to give birth in greater safety rather than in poor conditions at home. We would love women across Australia to be part of this and you can find more details through the facebook page or add a comment below and I'll send you more information. Help can be given through donations of materials, new underwear, ribbon, sewing help and so on.

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