Monday, August 1, 2011

Exciting developments ahead!

On Thursday 28th July the Women's Ministries Committee met together in Sydney to discuss where we were up to with planning for our upcoming Consultation in February 2012 and our next Flourish Conference.

Hard at work minute taking is Andrea Pryde (QLD)...

John McClean (NSW), Mairi Girgis (Vic), Margaret Thatcher (WA) and Rachel Bain (Tas) were hard at work discussing issues... as you can see it isn't too onerous... one might even suggest enjoyable!
Andrea and Ceale Orford (QLD) enjoying the day!

Actually we had a very productive time. The main focus of our discussion centred around our upcoming Consultation for those who are actively engaged in Women's Ministries across the PCA. We hope that although that will be a smaller group of people it will give us a real sense of where things are at in each state, what issues are current, where things have stalled and how we can help each other, and what sort of topics would be worth incorporating into our next national conference.

We then discussed the possibility of when our next Flourish conference would be held and hope that we can organise it for mid 2012! What an exciting prospect! Our last conference was in 2009, Sydney, and we had well over 100 men and women attend! Hopefully next year even more of you will be able to come along! Our proposed theme for the conference will centre around the notion of putting theory into practice... helping you promote and develop women's ministries in your congregation and neighbourhood, no matter what style of ministry you are working with! If you have suggestions for workshops you'd love to participate in please feel free to suggest ideas for us to consider!

Finally, we discussed our website, blog and facebook page! We would love to see these developed more as a way of promoting networking, sharing resources, and providing encouragement! Rachel and Mairi will be keeping a regular series of blog posts going and John, Ceale, Andrea and Margaret will be contributing once a month each so please make sure you follow this blog or keep an eye on the facebook page where we will be linking each post from now on! And certainly give us feedback if you have ideas for how we can better use any of these sites! Rachel will be along a little later to pretty up this page and add some more thoughts!

Please keep praying for the committee as we plan for the future. Please also pray for the Presbyterian Church in Australia as we work towards putting biblical principals into practice!

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